The presidency is one of the highest political positions in the career of bitlife. To unlock this career path you have to purchase the Bitizenship and then focus on the strong public appeal. Run on the campaigns and get enough votes to win the elections.

president in bitlife

The players have to attain a strong public reputation and a high level of education. There are some other roles such as a governor or a mayor that will enhance your experience in the political career.

Through the journey, you have to build a strong public image through fundraising and social activities. Some of the other useful tips and guidelines are explained in this blog that will assist you in becoming a successful president in the bitlife.

Why To Become the President of Bitlife?

When you become a president in the bitlife then there are certain rewards and achievements that are unlocked. This activity is full of opportunities and challenges so the players can become successful and powerful.

Highest Political PositionHighest Political Position

The president is a supreme leader and is the highest point of a political career. It will give you the power and influence to give orders to the subordinates and rule a kingdom.

Gameplay OpportunitiesGameplay Opportunities

As a president, the players are able to reject or propose legislation. This in return can significantly impact the virtual world in the game. You have to make strategic decisions and control the people.

High SalaryHigh Salary

In the political career, the president is a highly paid individual. It means that you are wealthy and can live a luxurious life even after retirement.

Approval BarApproval Bar

The president has a performance bar which is regulated by their decisions and the reaction of the audience. For instance, the players will need to balance their actions and the approval ratings to become good leaders.

Prestige and AccomplishmentPrestige and Accomplishment

It is prestigious to become a president in the bitlife and it showcases the different complexities of a political system.

How To Become A President Of Bitlife?

The president feature in Bitlife is not available for all users. You have to purchase the Bitizenship in order to unlock this option. After that, there are some following things that you can consider for getting this job.

Start with the Right Character

Start with the Right Character

Focus on Education

Focus on Education

Gain Experience in Local Government

Gain Experience in Local Government

Build Your Reputation and Network

Build Your Reputation and Network

Focus on Fundraising and Public Image

Focus on Fundraising and Public Image

Prepare to Run for President

Prepare to Run for President

Manage Challenges and Setbacks

Manage Challenges and Setbacks


Win president election

What to Avoid When Trying to Become President of BitLife?

When you are aiming to become the president of Bitlife then there can be several mistakes to avoid. Some small mistakes can ruin your career and you may have to play the game from the start.

Low Smarts and Poor Education

Low Smarts and Poor Education

The low smartness rating in Bitlife will make it difficult to become a politician. The low intelligence level will not get public support. If you are not studying well and not getting good grades then it is difficult to get admission to the university.

Criminal Activity

Criminal Activity

Getting involved in criminal activities is the worst mistake in your life. The criminal records and negative marks will ruin all the chances of getting elected by any government office. Do not commit crimes in order to earn money and maintain a clean record in school.

Poor Charisma and Popularity

Poor Charisma and Popularity

The political campaigns demand high charisma and social activities. In the personal life if you are unable to manage several relationships such as not participating in clubs and social gatherings then it is difficult to get a good run in a political career.

Ignoring Financial Management

Ignoring Financial Management

Financial management is necessary to invest the funds during school life or in the elections. Don’t waste the money on luxuries and try to raise funds from the supporters. Save as much as you can and spend it on the campaign.


Becoming a president in the bitlife is not an easy job because it is one of the most rated professions. Players have to focus on their early life and increase the intellectual skills and smartness level of the characters. They must get a good education in political science and take part in social activities. Join the clubs and involve the public in events to gain popularity. After that, you have to get some experience in the political field by doing the job of a director or mayor. Run campaigns and raise funds from the supporters. During the elections, win with enough votes and get a chance to become a president.


The law, political science, and business education are some ideal paths to follow in the game to become a president. You can gain experience in the local governments and maintain high approval ratings.

It is good to organize rallies, give promising speeches, and increase the approval ratings. Moreover, the characters must have high looks and smartness levels. Run the campaigns and raise the funds for public donations.

One of the other jobs in the political career is to become a school director at the local level. You can also become a mayor and make important decisions in the development of the city. Moreover, the governor’s job is to look after the matters in the state or a province.